The Diablo DSP-11 Vehicle is a simple, switchless vehicle detector available with the industry standard 11-pin base. Two models for your complete 11-pin vehicle detector needs:
· The Diablo DSP-11-LV which will operate on any voltage
· and any polarity from 10 to 30 Volts AC or DC.
· The Diablo DSP-11-117 operates on 117 VAC lines.
This series of Diablo s detectors are covered by United States patent number US 7,132,959 Non-Interfering Vehicle Detection . These detectors are virtually crosstalk free in most applications and have been specifically designed to handle parking, drive-through and access control applications.
Loop Size - Works on any in-ground inductive loop from 20 to over 1500 mH.
Indicators - Separate Power/Fail and Detect LEDs.
Detect Memory - Power interruptions of short duration are ignored. If power fails for approximately 1. seconds or less the detector remembers a vehicle.
Sensitivity - Automatic - compensates for large loops and long lead-ins.
Output Relay - 1A at 125VAC General use, 1A at 30 VDC resistive. Both N.O. (closes for detect) and N.C. (opens for detect) outputs.
Loop Failure - The green power indicator flashes slowly if the loop circuit is open and quickly if the loop circuit is shorted. This detector will output a Detect for either of these loop failed conditions.
Model Types
DSP-11-LV - Low voltage version 10 to 30 Volts AC or DC
DSP-11-117 - Medium voltage version for 117 Volts AC
Fail Safe Operation - The DSP-11 series of detectors are designed to be Fail Safe in their operation. The detector will output a Detect (contact closure) for a Failed loop condition OR a loss of power to the detector. This Fail Safe detector should always be used on safety loops.
Connector - Standard 11-pin (Amphenol 86CP11)
Pin assignments are:
Pin 1 (black wire) - Power in (See model type)
Pin 2 (white wire) - Power in (See model type)
Pin 5 (yellow wire) - Output relay common
Pin 6 (blue wire) - Output relay N.O. - (closes for detect)
Pin 7 (gray twisted wire) - Loop input
Pin 8 (brown twisted wire) - Loop input
Pin 10 (pink wire*) - Output relay N.C. - (opens for detect)
*This wire is black (with white) on some harnesses.
Operating Temperature - -35°F to 165°F (-37°C to 74°C)
Size - Height: 1.4 Width: 1.4 Depth: 2.75 overall