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Mighty Mule FM600 R4211 Circuit Board
Mighty Mule FM600 R4211 Circuit Board
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Mighty Mule FM600 R4211 Circuit Board

Item Id: LIN-R5211
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Your Price: $379.95
This control board is a durable, flexible replacement for the circuit board in any of these gate openers. The R4211 control board is capable of handling single and dual gate installations, and it can support push and pull-to-open settings.
  • The R4211 is a replacement control board for the Mighty Mule FM500 / Mighty Mule FM502 and FM 600 series swing gate openers
  • Built to support all GTO / Mighty Mule accessories
  • Can handle push and pull-to-open settings and dual gate operation and can direct power from a solar panel or from an AC transformer
  • Is an ideal replacement control board if a previous board was burned out by a lightning strike, a power surge or if the previous board was burned out by reversed battery wiring

From the Manufacturer

The R4211 control board is the replacement circuit board for the Mighty Mule FM500, FM502 and FM600 automatic gate openers. This control board is meant to be a durable, reliable replacement for the circuit board in any of these gate openers. The R4211 control board is capable of handling single and dual gate installations and it can support push-to-open and pull-to-open settings. All GTO/Mighty Mule accessories will work with this board and it is made to fit easily into any control box.

 - Manufacturer has revised the board and updated to the newest version for this reason you may receive a Red or Green R4211/R5211 control board that will be the same replacement as the blue one, as show below

Customer Reviews
Rating Home Owner
I have had this board in for fourteen months and it has not been working for the last month went through trobleshooting with gto tech and was told circuit board was not functioning correctly have five other circuit boards in my cabinet that are same way they last little longer than a year and here we go again another 245.00 to use gate again must be a better way
Reviewed by: from South Carolina. on 9/21/2018
Rating owner
Replaced lightning damaged board in 502 Dual, worked perfect, easy set-up, great technical support
Reviewed by: from St. Pauls. on 3/2/2017
Rating Mr.
Replaced a MM600 board with this one. It would be nice if there was mention in the troubleshooting pages of the 'beeps' you get with a bad battery. That would have saved a LOT of time. But, figured out over three days time it was the battery and determined the new board to be PERFECT!!! Would buy again.
Reviewed by: from Plant City FL. on 9/20/2016
Rating Ranch gate
It was easy to uninstall the old one and install the new card. It worked without issues, was running again in 15 minutes. Very happy for the fast response and shipping. Used it on a MM 600, single actuator.
Reviewed by: from Texas. on 5/4/2016
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