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Mighty Mule R4690 Loaded Control Box
Mighty Mule R4690 Loaded Control Box
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Mighty Mule R4690 Loaded Control Box

Item Id: LIN-R4690
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Your Price: $465.23
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Loaded Control Box for FM500, FM502, 2500 series operators

***Loaded Control boxes include: control board, receiver, battery harness, alarm, on/off switch, strain relief, 4PCB standoffs, and 4control box screws for the cover

Customer Reviews
Rating .
I went with gate openers unlimited over another company because the control box was in stock and less expensive. I would have given a 5 star rating except I have a duel gate system and the new control box only had one knock-out. I ended up using the new circuit board in the old control box. After replacing a couple of other parts, the opener works as it did before the lightning strike.
Reviewed by: from Redmond, WA. on 8/1/2020
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